Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jedi Jabberwocky ~ Light vs. Dark Side, Star Wars Clickbait & Action Figures

Powerful Apprentice Jedi,

 I address myself to you as apprentice Jedi, because I realize you are all in training to use The Force. It is something that is the glimmer of what is creative and strong in all of us. Today I have decided that I will reveal myself. I will “out” myself in terms of light and dark.

 Surprise, surprise. I am on the light side. Today I will analyze why. And take a very recessive stock of what is important to me to be on which side. Part of the reason why I think I maybe on the Darkside is a segment that I’m doing this time called Star Wars Click Bait, which is simply a way to get people to watch my show.

This new segment is so rich with trash from space, you’ll wonder if something will hit you in the face like Sandra Bullock in Gravity. It’s just a bunch of outright salacious lies I made up.

Kind of like what most politicians say about each other, except about space people and creatures. You will be agog when you see what’s in this webisode, I’m sure.

Burrowing Deep Into Dark Matter,
Mortimer Weasel
Jedi in Training

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