Monday, January 13, 2014

@LosTiteresTV Nominated in the Non-Human Category en los SHORTY AWARDS!

Nominate LosTiteres.TV for a social media award in the Shorty Awards! Nominate @LosTiteresTV para un social media award 
en los Shorty Awards

I am very excited, along with all of Los Titeres to be nominated during awards season!

Here is our latest viral video. And by viral, I mean that it may make you sick... With laughter.

For me, Awards Season is the perfect excuse to go onstage when I win, looking dapper in my tuxedo and make out with my male creative collaborators, pretending that it is just the excitement of the moment. That's really what we're there for: to release pent up homosexual feelings not allowed at any other ceremony.

As a preamble, there's always a lot of press & publicity that mines the very core of your artistic self. 

That's the next portion of my entry today: a little Q & A with the good people at the Shorty Awards:


Has Twitter changed your life? If yes, how?

Yes. It has inspired me to understand that social media stuff with a bird at its center is a recipe for success!

How long can you go without a tweet?

As a parrot: about 45 minutes, and then I have to either tweet, chirp or ask for a cracker.

What inspires you to tweet?

Other birds.

What's the funniest celebrity tweet you saw in this past year?

Adam Levine ‏@adamlevine 6 Nov 12, in response to Mitt Romney losing the election: "That's what happens when you fuck with Sesame Street."

How do you use Twitter in your professional life?

To bastardize a quote from Stephen Colbert, "I catch hypocrites in the headlights of my comedy."

What was the funniest trend you've seen?

Drunk Baby.

What's the wildest experience you've had via social media?
Sexting with Big Bird.
What is one of the biggest misconceptions of Twitter?
It's fun... Hell, no, it's another addictive job, like Facebook, that doesn't pay me.
What feature should Twitter add?
10 more characters. Who thought up 140? Round that shit out to 150.
Who do you wish had a Twitter feed but doesn't?
Alf, the alien.
Have you ever unfollowed someone? Who and why?
No. We welcome all sorts.
Instagram, Vine or GIF?
Which family member do you wish was on Facebook? Which do you wish wasn't on Facebook?
ON: My mother... OFF: My cousin from Cuba who posts inappropriate gay stuff on my wall.
What is the weirdest or most inappropriate place you've ever made a social media post from?
Walt Disney's former toilet at Disney Studios in Burbank, California.
How do you make your tweets unique?
My tweets are inherently unique because I am a bird, and our tweets are better than anyone's.
Why should people follow you?
Because I'm like the Pied Piper of Puppets.
Why should we vote for you?
Because I'm fake and made out of plastic, yet I'm more real than any politician out there.
What question are we not asking here that we should?
How can we fullfill every dream you have?
What will the world be like 10 years from now?
I will have produced LosTiteres.TV on YouTube, been a huge hit, and then sold it to the highest bidding studio.
How much time you spend online?
That's like asking how much time till Betty White croaks... Who knows?
What will the internet be like in 50 years?
We will access it though the Bluetooth Chip implanted in our brains.
In what ways do you waste the most time on social media?
Entering contests.
How will the world change in the next year?
I will produce a crowdfunding campaign to get dough for a blinking eye mechanism. Consequently the world will be much clearer.
How has social media improved your life?
It has given us a platform to address our audience w/out having to deal w/development hell while hoping our show gets produced by network TV!
What's your best tweet?
LosTiteres.TV has more Global Outreach Potential than The Muppets, who're banned in Saudi Arabia 'cause it stars a Pig!
What's the most memorable Snapchat you've ever received?
Never received one.
What are some words or phrases you refuse to shorten for brevity?
Comemierda. (Shit-eater in Spanish.)
Who is the funniest person on Twitter that you follow?
Albert Brooks.
How do you imagine Twitter changing?
I imagine it adding Video Tweets.
Who's your role model on social media?
The Muppets.
Is there someone you want to follow you who doesn't already? If so, who?
@ToddLeiberman, producer of the Muppets Movies.
What are six things you could never do without?
1. Laughter 2. Comedy 3. Funny 4. Hilarity 5. Guffaws 6. Giggles
140 characters of advice for a new user?
Write original material, or at least rewrite old quotes with new words like "twerk", "selfie", and "phablet", then pass them off as yours.
What do you wish people would do more of on Twitter?
Follow us.
Why'd you start tweeting?
Because I am a parrot, and before I learned how to talk, it was all the rage with my peers.
As a parent, coach, or role model tell us: How do you use social media to help others focus on all that is good in their lives? Don't forget to submit a nomination for the #KeepGoodGoing award!
We focus on being funny. Laughter is the best medicine.
How do you decide what to tweet?
I try to say things that will shock those who think of puppets only for children's entertainment.
Who do you admire most for his or her use of Twitter?
No Strings USA ‏ @nostringsusa
Hashtag you created that you wish everyone used?
Can you name some one-of-a-kind Twitter accounts that you follow?
Weed Porn ‏ @BudPictures
Terms you wish would start trending on Twitter right now?
#Ping-PongBalls, #LosTiteres.TVonSNL, #LorneMichaelsLovesMe, #LosTiteresonComedyCentral
How do you pronounce GIF?
Because I'm Latino: The G like the letter H in English. The I like "ee" in "tweet". SO: "Heeeeef"
What's the most annoying social media trend?
Duck lips.
What are some big Twitter faux pas?
Tweeting a selfie of your Twat.
Twitter or Facebook?
Ever get called out for tweeting too much?
Yes, in the nest of my childhood, by my mother.
What's the most interesting connection you've made through Twitter?
Certainly because our diverse cast boasts a talking hermaphrodite marijuana puppet, we are followed by Stoner Chicks™ ‏ @FemaleStoners.


Started in 2007 with an entire cast of Latino characters and an edgy, satirical, sometimes political, snarky college humor, this puppet webisode variety show stars: parrot & host Señor Loro. LosTiteres.TV (or "ThePuppets.TV" in Spanish) showcases comedy from a Latino POV. Sesame Street visual imagery and style meets Muppet Show-like mayhem with an His-Panic twist. Plus, THE First PUPPET TELENOVELA EVER!
How do you or your organization use social media? What makes your use unique?
Señor Loro, puppet host and social networker of the show tweets backstage gossip, oftentimes confronting social news of the day with jpeg memes, such as our last one where we informed the Duck Dynasty guys that ironically "duck" in Spanish is dirty slang for gay. Skewering as many hot topics as possible from his unique POV, our tweets are out to stomp on hypocrisy & hate con biting ha-ha-hilarity.

Muchas Gracias Por Su Support 

From My Palm Tree Nest Bungalow @ LosTiteres.TV Studios 

Señor Loro

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