Wednesday, November 17, 2010

EL AMOR DE CONCHITA Y RONALDO ~ "The Package" ~ Titerenovela

As the American soap opera dies off, the telenovela is thriving on Spanish television and now the internet! We are bringing that unbridled joy to the web, mostly! ... In essence, we have created our own genre and coined our own Spanish wor for it; the TITERENOVELA!

One of our most ambitious projects here at LosTiteres.TV has been to create the internet's first telenovela starring puppets. We created a webisode that explored just that which got us much praise and garnered many awards -- in our own minds.

EL AMOR DE CONCHITA Y RONALDO ~ "The Package" ~ In English

I do think that Conchita and Ronaldo are special performers and by "special", I mean, not all there. However, that wacky sensibility of not knowing where you are standing at any given moment adds to their charm.

Are they in love? .... That's a great question since I've never really seen them together. They have some arrangement where they sleep in separate beds and stay away from each other as much as possible. They will tell you in private that it's to keep the marriage "fresh" and "special"... Yeah, same word I used to describe them.

I'm not here to wreck their marriage or to start false rumors. Although if that landed us being talked about on an episode of The View or Wendy Williams, we wouldn't mind. We're so down and out, we wouldn't mind it if Maury got together with Jerry Springer and did an hour long special on how all us puppets at LosTiteres.TV are bastards! ... Even bad publicity is good publicity.

One of the GREAT things we've been looking forward to on our show is the idea of producing the show in English and in Spanish, thereby doubling our audience! I am proud to announce, we have done just that!

Below you will find the second webisode of our outrageously popular telenovela: "El AMOR DE CONCHITA Y RONALDO". In our second somewhat romantic webisode of the mildly anticipated next chapter in the love between Conchita & Ronaldo, we find them both in the midst of high Latin drama... The postman is delivering to Conchita while Ronaldo is lost in a parking lot.

EL AMOR DE CONCHITA Y RONALDO ~ "El Paquete" ~ En Español

Hope you enjoy our plastic madness!

Señor Loro
Titere-Novela Producer

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