Friday, November 6, 2009

"Conchita's Shout Outs" & Schmedley Part 2

Hello, mis amigos and welcome back to the show! Thanks for waiting for a month.

This month we're going to pack in some great programming.

As far as the production, things are going as planned. We planned that no one would be watching...

We also planned that this show would never be canceled because it's produced with the nickles and dimes that the producer steals from the water fountain in front of Macy's at the mall.

Sure enough, though, we're probably doing something to offend someone in people-land. I should amend that -- not "We", but Conchita, who is always saying something Snarky.

Don't mind her, she's like our Perez Hilton, except skankier and with more felt.

I know you avid viewers, non-existent as you may be -- you all must be anxious to see the latest Schmedley webisode.

Here it is: the second part of the Schmedley Schparky Schow where he finally let's that silly dog have his say...

As Fidel Castro's former pet parrot, I worry about Schmedley's dictatorial leanings -- but I'm going with it for now, because, he's young and has time to change his ways, but more importantly because his chocolate company is a Cash Cow.

Saludos to Sesame Street on its 40th birthday!

I, myself, am very interested in one day getting an opportunity to interview Big Bird.

I want the exclusive on what disquieting magic caused him to stay 6 years old forever -- always acting like he just learned the alphabet yesterday.

I mean, he's 40, he should have a job... I'm only 38, and I produce this freaky show.

These child stars always come out of the shell a little cracked, enh?

Happy Martinis!
Señor Loro
LosTiteres.TV Studios
(Blogging from the Port-o-Potty
behind the gay club "TWIST",
South Beach, Florida)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Schmedley Schparky Schow!

Hello my quieridos amigos!

We have come back for a second season of excitement, and laughter on LosTiteres.TV.

Since the downturn in the economy, the show's been in the toilet.

That's why you've waited so long for a webisode? Our producer, Felix Pire, who produces this crap out of pocket, because he says, "he believes in the show" has been out of work.

It's a cheap show to produce. I sold it to him one brisk Miami evening over drinks. I said, "With just nickels and dimes, we give you entertainment that's at least worth about three pesos in Mexico." And he was sold. It's true.

More to the point, puppet productions are cheap, that's how come one sole producer can fund us. Plus, Conchita is getting cheaper. She tried to get into Telemundo, they told her she "wasn't Latina enough".

Look, it's economic savvy on your part as a viewer to watch our mess, because you're getting more wasting of time entertainment, with something that costs less. Let's just put it this way, we've been able to amuse you with the internet budget equivalent of close ups of hand shadows on toilet paper.

So we're very excited to present a new segment to the show, with a new sponsor!

Please enjoy, as I, Señor Loro and LosTiteres.TV proudly present:

Are you surprised that we auspiciously return on the first day of October, one year exactly since 2008?

Are you mesmerized by my ping pong ball eyes, and want more?

Not to worry, LosTiteres.TV will be coming out bi-weekly. Why? Because we like to say "bi". It's naughty.

In a coupla weeks, brace yourself: Conchita returns with a new species of her Conchita Chow -- this time, she's giving ironic shout-outs to people.

Also, we've got more Mary Juana, a new guy we just hired -- yellow guy from another one of those weird puppet nebulas, and more El Amor De Conchita Y Ronaldo, your favorite telenovela.

We hope you like this new season. Ever since Schmedley started to pitch in coin from his schocolate company, the webisodes have gotten better, but we worry he'll want to put ads for his schocolates everywhere.

These are the preoccupations of a web producing parrot, my dear, sexy audience!

Stay Tuned for more:


Señor Loro
Parrot Producer & Host