Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mario Mariposa: In-Depth Gay Maracas Interview

Mis amigos and my friends, there is journalism, and then there is the deeply penetrating analysis, brought to you by an insect that used to be a lowly make-up artist at the studios, but who is now one of our top reporters. Mario Mariposa is created a deeply respected name for himself.

Many of you have written in talking smack about us not being liberal enough about our outlook, that we HATE Fidel Castro, because he still has many years ahead of him in politics. To that, I say PAPI-COCK. Notice the spelling. I'm naughty. But I really meant, "Poppycock"... I'm so Americanized... So we decided to be socially liberal instead:

Two gay maracas are the ultimate in open mindedness, and notice how LosTiteres.TV delicately traces the edges of taste and forbidden love with this in-depth interview of two illegal musical instruments.

It's too forbidden -- you have to see it for yourself!

Señor Loro
Independent Candidate
in this Year's Puppet Elections

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Señor Loro Holiday Special (Part 5)

From all of us at LosTiteres.TV...

We wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Saludos from South Beach!

Señor Loro ... and Enrique